If you have or have any of the following symptoms, please do not use this device.
Children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, people with heart disease / Eczema, psoriasis, trauma, inflammatory acne, herpes, etc. / Those with pain or perception problems / Those with keloid constitution or those who get easily scarred / Those with sensitive skin Those who are sensitive to chemical or physical stimulation / Those with atopic skin disease / Those with allergic constitution / Those using steroids / Those with fever of 38 degrees or higher / Previous skin cancer or People who have suffered from skin malignancy / Devices worn directly inside the body, such as defibrillators, nerve stimulators, and pacemaker devices Those who use electronic devices / Those who use body-worn medical devices such as insulin pumps / Those who use heart-lung machines, etc. People who use life-supporting electronic medical devices / People who use wearable electronic medical devices such as electrocardiogram devices / Those with a history of epilepsy or seizures / Those who have recently undergone surgery or other surgical procedures / Bleeding after an acute injury Or those who have suffered a fracture.
Do not use this device in the following areas.
Areas with metal, plastic or silicone implants / Lips, eyes, eyelids, orbital muscles, mucous membranes, temples / Wounded area / Chest, heart, central bone area in front of the neck / Plastic surgery area / Abdomen during menstruation
Consult a specialist in the following cases.
If you have taken steroids in the past 3 months / If you have a history of recurrence due to heat stimulation / If, in the opinion of a specialist or dermatologist, the use of this device is unsafe / very dry or If you have a history of skin abnormalities / allergies. Acne, inflammation. Suntanned skin, plastic surgery, plastic implants, etc. Cases where there may be skin abnormalities/painful areas due to